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Benefits of Keeping our Buddies

You probably wonder up to now, “What exactly are the benefits of beekeeping for the environment?” Well, let’s talk!

First and foremost, just one hive can be home to up to 50,000 pollinators! That’s a lot of little buddies hanging around! The ecosystem needs our friendly little pals to pollinate plants so they can bloom. Long story short, without bees in the ecosystem, plants can’t bloom, and herbivores can’t eat!

Secondarily, bee populations are falling in general across the world. Volunteering to keep bees helps combat climate change, which will help restore equilibrium in the ecosystem for all plants and animals.

You might wonder how this affects you? We have an answer for that, too! Researchers estimate bees pollinate about 1/3 of the food we eat. If the bees left, that would be the equivalent of losing one out of your three meals each day…and that’s a lot of food!

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